Holiday Goodwill: Sleeping Children Around the World

Integrity is doing the right thing even when nobody is watching.

For the donation for purpose beyond profit, David Poirier decided to “Pay it Forward” and buy 3 bedkits for Sleeping Children Around The World. Each $35 donation provides a bedkit that consists of a mat or mattress, pillow, sheet, blanket, mosquito net, clothes outfit, towel and school supplies.

“I have sponsored this organization in the past. It is a very efficient donation as 100% of the donations go to the bedkits and administrative expenses are covered through other fundraisers. They have helped over 1,000,000 children now. My brother and sister-in-law have been volunteering for years and traveled around the world at their own expense to facilitate and distribute the bedkits to needy children.”

Sleeping Children Around the World distributes bedkits to children in a ratio of 50% girls and 50% boys, who are aged 6 to 12, and are from any culture and any religion. Every child should be able to get a good night’s sleep. The contents of a bedkit vary from country to country, but always contain bedding and a mosquito net, clothing and school supplies.

Bedkits are manufactured or purchased overseas by trustworthy organizations and individuals who use their local knowledge and expertise to pick the best bedkit items for the children living in that area. All bedkits are assembled in the country of distribution to eliminate shipping costs and to stimulate the economy.

“As a sleep researcher, clinician and public health advocate who believes passionately in the value of a good night’s sleep for children’s health, well-being and success, I celebrate the incredible work of Sleeping Children Around the World. I have been fortunate enough to see the real and tangible impact this organization makes on children and families’ lives as a Traveling Volunteer in Tanzania and Kolkata India, and cannot say enough good things about their dedication and drive” — Dr Judith A. Owens, Director, Center for Pediatric Sleep Disorders; Professor of Neurology, Harvard Medical School.